List of Refractive indexes of Materials
Gold: 0.270
Copper: 0.460
Titanium: 2.611
Salt: 1.52
Silver: 0.150
Lead: 1.907
Mercury: 1.744
Platinum: 2.188
Ice : 1.31
Diamond: 2.417
Flint Glass(impure): 1.523
Flint Glass(Pure): 1.60
Crown Glass(Pure): 1.50
Crown Glass(Impure): 1.485
Plate Glass(Window Glass): 1.52
Plexiglas: 1.49
Polystyrene: 1.59
Silicon: 3.42
Sapphire: 1.762
Liver(Human): 1.369
Lens(Of Human Eyes): 1.386
Cornea(Human Eyes): 1.373
Amber: 1.55
Fused Silica(Pure Glass, or form of Quartz): 1.458
Cubic Zirconia: 2:15
Halite(Rock Salt): 1.516
Iron: 2.930
Brass: 0.461
Quartz: 1.45
Germanium: 5.69
Diesel Soot: 1.563
Green Soda Lime Glass: 1.523
Grey Soda Lime Glass: 1.523
Optical Glass Crown, BK7: 1.516
(Plastic) PC-Poly-carbonate: 1.584
(Plastic) Cellulose: 1.470
(Plastic) PVP: 1.527
Air: 1.00
Ammonia: 1.000376
Carbon Dioxide: 1.001
Helium: 1.000036
Hydrogen: 1.000132
Water Vapor: 1.000261
Argon: 1.000281
Oxygen: 1.000271
Pentane: 1.000686
Bromine: 1.001132
Chlorine: 1.000773
Methane: 1.000444
Nitric Oxide: 1.000516
Carbon Dioxide: 1.000449
Kerosene: 1.39
Ethanol: 1.361
Water: 1.330
Acetone: 1.36
Milk: 1.35
Propane: 1.34
Turpentine: 1.47
Glycerine: 1.47
Ether: 1.35
Chloroform: 1.44
Furan: 1.47
Olive Oil: 1.46
Cedar Oil: 1.516
Vegetable Oil: 1.47
Octane: 1.40
Hexane: 1.37
Decane: 1.41
Paraffin(Liquid): 1.48
- For help with your Houdini and VFX Materials